Fast Track (guitar duo)
Chamberwork by Martin Lohse
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Fast Track
Live-recording by Aros Guitar Duo at the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Concert Hall, 12. September 2018
The work is orchestrated in 3 versions.
Work | Year |
Fast Track (organ) | 2017 |
Fast Track (sheng and accordion) | 2017 |
Fast Track (guitar duo) | 2017/2018 |
Composer Martin Lohse
Title Fast Track
Work number W.49c
Composition year 2017/2018
Movements 1
Duration 5 min
Genre chamberwork
Number of instruments 2
Instrumentation guitar duo
Score notation computer (Sibelius)
Pages 30
Free score yes
Published yes
First performance 15 Aug 2018
- by Aros Guitar Duo
- place Vendsyssel Festival, Denmark
Recording type live
Musical styles and elements minmalistic, modal
Program note
In English
Fast Track
Three versions for guitar duo
Arrangement for Aros Guitar Duo of the work Fast Track (2017) for sheng and accordion dedicated to Wu Wei and Geir Draugsvoll.
Program note
In this work, I am inspired by the long moving walkways found in many of the major airports. The moment you get on, you are moving at high speed toward your destination, even if you are strolling or standing still. The sensation of the slow motion of the body in contrast to the surrounding swiftness creates a fascinating duality that I have tried to recreate in the work: Swirling movements and fast markings that slowly forms melodic motifs as well as rhythmical figures in different tempos. Everything on top of a slowly falling layer of chords, which, in two approximately equal parts, leads us to an end in the same register as in the beginning of the piece.
The movement ends on a long tone in the deeper middle register of the organ.
Martin Lohse 2018
In Danish
Fast Track
Tre versioner for guitar duo
Arrangement til Aros Guitar Duo af værket Fast Track (2017) for sheng og akkordion dedikeret til Wu Wei og Geir Draugsvoll.
I dette værk er jeg inspireret af de lange rullefortov, der findes i mange af de store lufthavne. I det øjeblik du stiger på, føres du med høj hastighed af sted mod dit mål, selvom du måske bare slentrer af sted, eller står stille. Fornemmelsen af kroppens langsomme bevægelser i kontrast til omgivelsernes hastighed, skaber en fascinerende dobbelthed som jeg har forsøgt at genskabe i værket: Hvirvlende bevægelser og hurtige markeringer der langsomt former sig til melodiske motiver samt rytmiske figurer i forskellige tempi. Alt sammen ovenpå et langsomt faldende lag af akkorder, der i to omtrent lige store formdele fører os mod en afslutning i det samme register som i begyndelsen af satsen.
Martin Lohse 2018
All versions of - Fast Track
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Concert hall, Royal Danish Academy of Music, Rosenørns Alle 22, Copenhagen, Denmark
Sunday 18 July 2021
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Ansgars Kirke, Odense, Denmark
Wednesday 28 August 2019, 17:00
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Sint-Martinusbasiliek, Venlo, Holland
Wednesday 3 July 2019, 20:00
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Sct. Peders Kirke, Næstved, Denmark
Saturday 12 January 2019, 12:00
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List of solo works
- Silenzio (cello) (2003)
- Silenzio (viola) (2003/2010)
- Silenzio (violin) (2003/2010)
- 6 preludes (organ) (2003)
- 6 preludes (accordion) (2003/2013)
- 6 preludes (piano) (2003/2013)
- Intermezzo - B.a.c.h. (piano) (2005)
- Nocturne (piano) (2007)
- Nocturne (oboe, cello and piano) (2007/2009)
- Menuetto (accordion) (2008/2014)
- Cadenza (accordion) (2010/2012)
- Hymn (carillon) (2009)
- Moto immoto (accordion) (2009/2011)
- Passing (accordion) (2011-12)
- Passing (organ) (2011/2012)
- Turn (piano) (2011)
- Silenzio (accordion) (2003/2012)
- Momentum (accordion) (2014)
- Match Girl (accordion) (2015)
- Seasons (accordion) (2015-16)
- Late Spring (accordion) (2016)
- Summer Storm (accordion) (2016)
- Autumn Rain (accordion) (2015)
- Winter's Tale (accordion) (2016)
- Fast Track (organ) (2017)
- The Dying Child (accordion) (1998/2014)
- Three pieces - Prelude, nocturne and serenade (piano) (2017-18)
- Prelude (Three pieces for piano) (2018)
- Nocturne (Three pieces for piano) (2018)
- Serenade (Three pieces for piano) (2017)
- Encircled (accordion) (2018)
- L'eau (guitar) (2019)
- Til Ofelia (piano) (2020)
- Sand drifting (oboe) (2000)